Seminarium CBU 24.06.2020: Levi Adelman o psychologii tolerancji

Zapraszamy na nasze czerwcowe zdalne Seminarium Katedry Centrum Badań nad Uprzedzeniami. Będziemy tym razem gościć dr. Leviego Adelmana z Uniwersytetu w Utrechcie w Holandii, który opowie nam o badaniach eksperymentalnych dotyczących konsekwencji bycia tolerowanym. 

Seminarium odbędzie się 24 czerwca (w środę) w godzinach 12:00-13:30.

Osoby zainteresowane udziałem prosimy o kontakt z koordynatorką, dr Aleksandrą Świderską (email:, która udostępni Państwu link do udziału w Seminarium.


To be tolerated: Intergroup toleration from the target’s perspective

Levi Adelman, Utrecht University

Toleration is a requirement for living with diversity and actively promoted by local, national, and international bodies. However, while psychological research has extensively considered the implications of being discriminated, little is known about the psychological consequences of being tolerated. Furthermore, recent research into the consequences of being tolerated have relied mostly on correlational designs. Here I present a novel methodology adapted from the cyberball experiments to study the consequences of being tolerated experimentally. Across two studies we show that even in its purest form, intergroup tolerance can have negative effects on well-being, engagement, and depoliticization compared to intergroup acceptance, while being superior to intergroup rejection. I conclude by briefly discussing future directions and ongoing research and some questions for improving this research.

Levi Adelman, Social Psychology PhD, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic relations (ERCOMER) at Utrecht University, where he is working on an ERC grant on intergroup toleration. He received his PhD in 2017 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he worked with Dr. Nilanjana Dasgupta and Dr. Bernhard Leidner. His other research interests are in diversity, intergroup relations, and group criticism.

Data publikacji: 16 czerwca 2020